Sandhill Cranes and Snow Geese overwinter in New Mexico, as well as some other southern states. Two locations are known for viewing & photographing the birds: Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge and Bernardo Waterfowl Management Area. It's been my experience that November through early December, both species are concentrated more at Bosque del Apache and by mid-December, most of the birds are at Bernardo. Many other species of birds & mammals can be found at both locations.

There was a lot of tension in the crane flocks this year. I'm not sure why. It seemed to be worse when the snow geese mixed in with the cranes. The two species usually segregate. Aggressive behavior is displayed by bill sparring, jump contests, or jump raking ( 2 birds facing off and jumping at each other with feet extended, intending to scratch the opponent).

Photos in this first gallery were all taken at Bernardo Waterfowl Management Area.

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001 Sandhill Cranes at Sunrise002 Sandhill Cranes at Sunrise003 Sandhill Cranes004 Cranes & Geese005 Sandhill Cranes006 Sandhill Cranes007 Sandhill Cranes008 Sandhill Cranes009 Sandhill Cranes010 Sandhill Cranes011 Sandhill Cranes012 Sandhill Cranes013 Sandhill Cranes014 Sandhill Cranes015 Sandhill Cranes016 Sandhill Cranes017 Sandhill Cranes018 Mud-stained Crane019 Sandhill Cranes020 Sandhill Cranes